- Ebden M, Elkaim LM, Breitbart S, Yan H, Warsi N, Huynh M, Mithani K, Venetucci Gouveia F, Fasano A, Ibrahim GM, and Gorodetsky C. Chronic pallidal local field potentials are associated with dystonic symptoms in children. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 27(3): 551-6, 2024.
- Mithani A, Richards OL, Ebden M, Malik N, Greuter L, Suresh H, Niazi F, Venetucci Gouveia F, Widjaja E, Weiss S, Donner E, Otsubo H, Ochi A, Jain P, Yau I, Kerr EN, Rutka JT, Drake JM, Weil AG, and Ibrahim GM. Intraoperative changes in large-scale thalamic circuitry following laser ablation of hypothalamic hamartomas. NeuroImage: Clinical 42: 103613, 2024.
- Li V, Wong S, Suresh H, Warsi N, Coleman S, Mithani K, Ebden M, Jain P, Ochi A, Otsubo H, Sham L, Weiss S, Sharma R, Kerr E, Smith ML, Donner E, and Ibrahim G. Effects of interictal epileptiform discharges on cognitive performance and pupillometry in pediatric epilepsy: a multimodal deep-learning approach. American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting 2024, Abstract Number 2.546, 6-10 December 2024.
- Mazin WB, Wong SM, Mithani K, Ebden M, Li V, Eriksson MH, Warsi NM, and Ibrahim GM. Hands-free visual search task to assess executive cognitive function through pupillometry. In: SickKids Summer Research Symposium 2024, Session 2, Abstract 7, p. 135, 7 August 2024.
- Li V, Wong SM, Suresh H, Warsi NM, Mithani K, Mazin WB, Ebden M, and Ibrahim GM. EyeEEG: Deep-learning modelling of pupillary dynamics based on intracranial EEG. In: SickKids Summer Research Symposium 2024, Session 2, Abstract 110, p. 159, 7 August 2024.
- Zhang K, Matin R, Ebden M, Gorodetsky C, Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Venetucci Gouveia F, and Ibrahim GM. Neural circuitry underlying DBS treatment for self-injurious behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorder. In: Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2024, Sessions 1 and 2, Poster 3, Seoul, 23-27 June 2024.
- Wong S, Suresh H, Warsi N, Ebden M, Arski O, and Ibrahim G. An automated pipeline for sEEG electrode localization. American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting 2023, Presentation Number 1.243, 1-5 December 2023.
- Zhang K, Matin R, Ebden M, Gorodetsky C, Venetucci Gouveia F, and Ibrahim GM. Preclinical study of deep brain stimulation for severe self-injurious behaviors associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. PSTR248 in Neuroscience 2023 in Washington, D.C., 11-15 November 2023.
- Mazin WB, Wong S, Warsi NM, Ebden M, Gorodetsky C, and Ibrahim GM. Developing a hands-free visual search task to assess cognition in children undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation. SickKids Summer Research Symposium 2023, Abstract 92, p 140, 16 August 2023.
- Warsi N, Wong S, Gorodetsky G, Suresh H, Arski O, Ebden M, Kerr E, Smith ML, Yau I, Ochi A, Otsubo H, Sharma R, Jain P, Weiss S, Donner E, Snead O, and Ibrahim G. Which is more deleterious to cognitive performance? Interictal epileptiform discharges vs. anti-seizure medication. Epilepsia, 21 February 2023. (DOI link)
- Ebden M, Warsi N, Suresh H, Breitbart S, Abushama A, Gorodetsky C, and Ibrahim GM. Thalamic local field potentials correlate with seizure burden in children with epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting 2022, Presentation Number 1.435, p. 47, 2-6 December 2022.
- Warsi N, Wong S, Suresh H, Arski O, Yan H, Ebden M, Kerr E, Smith ML, Ochi A, Otsubo H, Sharma R, Jain P, Donner E, Snead O, and Ibrahim G. Interictal discharges delay target-directed eye movements and impair attentional set-shifting in children with epilepsy. Epilepsia, 14 July 2022.
- Huynh TD, Ebden M, Fischer J, Roberts S, and Moreau L. Provenance Network Analytics: An approach to data analytics using data provenance. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 32(3): 708-35, 2018.
- Ebden M, Huynh TD, Moreau L, and Roberts S. Incentive engineering through subgraph matching - with application to task allocation. In: Fourth International Workshop on Human Agent Interaction Design and Models, AAMAS, Istanbul, 4 May 2015.
- Huynh TD, Ebden M, Ramchurn S, Roberts S, and Moreau L.
Data quality assessment from provenance graphs.
Provenance Week 2014, Cologne, Germany, 9-13 June 2014.
- Huynh TD, Ebden M, Venanzi M, Ramchurn S, Roberts S, and Moreau L.
Interpretation of crowdsourced activities using Provenance Network Analysis.
The First AAAI Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing, Palm Springs, California, 7-9 November 2013. (alt. link)
- Roberts S, Osborne M, Ebden M, Reece S, Gibson N, and Aigrain S.
Gaussian processes for time-series modelling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Part A) 371(1984), 2013. (alt. link)
- Ebden M, Huynh TD, Moreau L, Ramchurn S, and Roberts S.
Network analysis on provenance graphs from a crowdsourcing application. Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes pp 168-182, 2012. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNISA, volume 7525).
- RELATED PAPER: Ebden M, Huynh TD, Moreau L, Ramchurn S, Roberts S. Network analysis on provenance graphs from a crowdsourcing application. Fourth International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, Santa Barbara, USA, 18-22 June 2012.
- Psorakis I, Roberts S, Ebden M, and Sheldon B.
Overlapping community detection using Bayesian nonnegative matrix factorization.
Physical Review E 83(6): 066114, 2011. (alt. link)
- Ebden M and Roberts S.
Graph marginalization for rapid assignment in wide-area surveillance.
Adhoc Networks Journal 9: 180-8, 2011.
- RELATED PAPER: Ebden M and Roberts S. Graph marginalization for rapid assignment in wide-area surveillance. In: International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks, Niagara Falls, Canada, 23-25 September 2009. Published as LNICST (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering) 28(1): 691-703, 2010.
- Ebden M, Stranjak A, and Roberts S.
Visualizing uncertainty in reliability functions with application to aero engine overhaul.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C, 59(1):163-173, 2010. (alt. link)
- Ebden M, Briers M, and Roberts S.
Decentralized predictive sensor allocation.
In: The 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CancĂșn, Mexico. pp 1702-7, 9-11 December 2008. (alt. link)
- Stranjak A, Dutta P, Ebden M, Rogers A, and Vytelingum P.
A multi-agent simulation system for prediction and scheduling of aero engine overhaul.
In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS '08), Estoril, Portugal, pp 81-8, May 2008. (alt. link)
- Clifton D and Ebden M.
Signal processing and medical applications amidst the dreaming spires.
Networks 52:1, 2008. (alt. link)
- Ebden M. Predicting orthostatic vasovagal syncope with signal
processing and physiological modelling, D.Phil Oxon thesis, Michaelmas term 2006.
- Rowley AB, Payne SJ, Tachtsidis I, Ebden MJ, Whiteley JP, Gavaghan DJ, Tarassenko L, Smith M, Elwell CE, and Delpy DT.
Synchronization between arterial blood pressure and cerebral oxyhaemoglobin concentration investigated by wavelet cross-correlation.
Physiological Measurement 28(2): 161-173, 2007.
- Ebden M and Tachtsidis I.
Investigation of the correlation between low-frequency oscillations of cerebral haemodynamics and systemic blood pressure.
Proceedings of the MIAS-IRC Meeting: 33-4, 2005.
- Rowley AB, Payne SJ, Ebden M, Tachtsidis I, Whiteley JP, and Gavaghan DJ.
Nonlinear investigation of the frequency response of cerebral autoregulation.
Proceedings of the MIAS-IRC Meeting: 69-70, 2005.
- Zariffa J, Ebden M, and Bardakjian B.
A synaptic input portal for a mapped clock oscillator model of neuronal electrical rhythmic activity.
Journal of Neural Engineering 1(3): 158-64, 2004.
- Ebden M, Tarassenko L, Payne S, Darowski A, and Price J.
Time-frequency analysis of the ECG in the diagnosis of vasovagal syndrome in older people.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE EMBS Conference, 1-5 Sept 2004, San Francisco, California. 26: 290-4, 2004. (alt link)
- Ebden M.
Heart rate and instantaneous centre frequency as a predictor of vasovagal syncope during head-upright tilt table tests.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE EMBSS UK and Republic of Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (ISBN 0-9543157-1-5), 14-16 July 2003, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. 2: 3-4, 2003.
- Ebden M. Chemical Synapses in the Mapped Clock Oscillator
Model. University of Toronto B.A.Sc thesis, December 1999.
- Ebden M.
Mapping the brain with positron emission tomography.
Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Cleveland, USA, 10-13 October, 1998. Result: Third place, Undergraduate Research/Design.
Unpublished work
- A Gentle Introduction to Gaussian Processes, Report in three parts, August 2008-2015 (Over 100k downloads as of 2020)
- A Review of the State of the Art in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Recurrent Syncope
- Syncope and Signal Processing
- A Comparison of HRV Techniques
Selected Presentations
- Unlocking the Power of Technical Data, The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) webinar, 16 January 2025
- Deep Exploration of Eyetracking Data, The Hospital for Sick Children, 4 January 2024
- Analysis of Images from Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy, The Hospital for Sick Children, 11 May 2023
- Analysing Vagal-nerve-stimulation Data and Deep-brain-stimulation Data , The Hospital for Sick Children, 27 July 2022
- Task Allocation with Incentive Engineering, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) webinar (Technical Section: Data Science and Engineering Analytics), 15 December 2021
- Tips and Tricks Learned, Teaching Math Online, Education Technology Office webinar, University of Toronto, 20 July 2021
- Two Cool Applications of Matrix Factorization, Toronto Machine Learning Book Group, Canadian Tire Convention Centre, 19 October 2015
- Data Analytics and Machine Learning, Aerospace Technology Institute visit, United Kingdom, 9 July 2015
- Social Networks, Community Structure, and Extracting Knowledge from Graphs, University of Oxford, 28 April 2015
- Network Analysis and Eigenprovenance, Machine Learning Research Group, Oxford, 4 December 2014
- Decision Analytics Problem Areas, BP DA-Network Meeting, Boston, USA, 8 May 2013
- Introduction to Decision Analytics, BP Fuels Value Chain Marketing, Pangbourne, UK, 29 January 2013
- Trust, Provenance and Information Fusion Models, ORCHID All-Hands Meeting, 3 October 2011
- Soft Partitioning in Networks via Bayesian Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, 31st International Workshop on
Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods, Waterloo, Canada, 13 July 2011
- Career Pathfinding for Researchers, Somerville College Junior Research Fellows, Senior Common Room, 1 April 2011
- Exact Marginalization in Graphs, Physics Department NJC, Oxford, 20 September 2010
- Bayesian Multi-Agent Decision Making, ALADDIN Symposium, Farnborough, 1 October 2009
- Decentralized Dynamic Coalition Formation, Workshop on Advances in Multi-arm Bandits and Sequential Decision Making, Imperial College London, 31 March 2009
- Can Multi-Agent Systems Assist with Community Detection?, University of Southampton Agents Group, 19 March 2009
- Optimal Coverage of Moving Objects Using DCF, given twice in January 2009: at the Natural Computing Applications Forum, Sunderland; and at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory
- Oxford Science, Past, Present, and Future, Sixth Joint Meeting of the British Society for the History of Science, the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, and the History of Science Society, 4 July 2008
- What the Universe is Made of, PTLLS, Oxford & Cherwell Valley College, 21 June 2008
- Challenges in Multi-Agent Systems, Oxford University Research Staff Society, 11 June 2008
- The Weibull Mixture Model, ARGUS II DARP Annual Review, Bristol, 19 May 2006
- Vital Signs Analysis for Vasovagal Syndrome Patients, Signal Processing and Neural Networks research group, Oxford, July 2002
- Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Seneca College School of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology, December 2001
- Printed Circuit Board Technology, Ontario Engineering Competition, University of Windsor, February 1999 [Result: Second place]
- Positron Emission Tomography, Ontario Engineering
Competition, University of Waterloo, February 1998
- Materials Science Laboratory Analysis, Celestica Inc., Toronto, August 1998
- The Hale-Bopp Comet, Trinity College Science Society, University of Toronto, April 1997
- Unlocking the Power of Technical Data, The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) webinar, 16 January 2025